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The new "Allow Grid Responses" feature under the checklist functionality addresses a common client concern regarding PDF length when converting existing checklists to FacilityBot format. Many current checklists are formatted as 2D tables, which efficiently use space to fit multiple checklists on a single page. Clients have reported that converting these Excel-based checklists into FacilityBot often results in longer PDFs, spanning multiple pages. The "Allow Grid Responses" feature aims to reduce PDF length by preserving the compact, tabular format, ensuring a more efficient and user-friendly conversion process.
Checklist - Allow Grid Responses
This new feature enhancement gives administrators the ability to mandate two-factor authentication (2FA) for all user accounts. This enhancement significantly strengthens security by ensuring that all users must provide an additional verification step when accessing their accounts, thereby reducing the risk of unauthorized access and enhancing overall system protection.
Accounts - Allow Admin to Enforce 2FA for all accounts
The new feature improvement under workflows enables users to add location-based conditions to expenditure request workflows. This enhancement allows for more precise and context-specific automation, ensuring that expenditure requests are handled appropriately according to their location, thereby improving accuracy and efficiency in financial management processes.
Workflows - For Expenditure Request Created event, allow additional condition based on the location tag
This new feature improvement under assets management leverages advanced AI technology to provide detailed and actionable insights into asset performance and maintenance. This feature analyzes vast amounts of data to generate predictive analytics, helping organizations optimize asset utilization, predict failures, and make informed decisions, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs.
This new feature improvement enables organizations to set up automated welcome emails for their visitors. This enhancement ensures that visitors receive timely, personalized information and instructions upon booking, improving their experience and streamlining the check-in process.
Visitors - Allow configuration of a Welcome email to be automatically sent to Visitors
This new feature improvement enhances the booking process by displaying an availability calendar. This allows users to easily view open slots and make informed scheduling decisions, improving efficiency and reducing booking conflicts.
Facilities - Show the availability calendar when making Facilities Bookings
The new feature improvement enhances checklist management by allowing users to filter checklists based on associated assets and location tags. This improvement streamlines the process of finding relevant checklists, making it easier to organize, access, and manage checklists related to specific assets or locations, thereby improving efficiency and accuracy in task completion.
Checklists - Add filters of Linked Assets and Linked Location Tags
This feature improvement enables administrators to delete permits, ensuring better control and management of the permit system. This enhancement allows for the removal of outdated, erroneous, or unnecessary permits, streamlining workflows, and improving system accuracy.
Permit to Work - Allow Deletion by Admin
The new feature allows a Permit to Work to be assigned to multiple accounts, enhancing collaboration and oversight. This ensures all relevant parties are informed and involved, improving communication, coordination, and overall project management efficiency.
Permit to Work - Allow assignment to multiple accounts
The new feature allows Admins and Managers to request changes directly from Permit to Work applicants. This enhancement streamlines the review process by facilitating clear communication and ensuring all necessary modifications are addressed promptly. It improves the accuracy and efficiency of permit approvals, reducing delays and enhancing overall workflow management.
Permit to Work - Allow Admin and Managers to Request Changes from Permit to Work Applicant
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