"Signature by" Field for Requests
Ari Abdul
While the current Request feature does support multiple signatures, we recommend incorporating a dedicated 'signature by' field to capture the name of each signatory. Currently the feature says "signed by {{responder/manager account}}".
This addition would enhance clarity, especially in situations where multiple signatories are involved, ensuring a clear attribution of each signature.
Patrick Sim
Jimhendrick Lababo
Hi Sir Ari, the "signature by" field can't work as we need to submit the request to see it in Permit to work feature. I suggest if the multiple signature is still for future development, Can you add a draft like from the checklist feature, so before the last person to sign off. At least from the draft, someone has to review and add their signature. If this will be added to the new feature. It will be great. Thank you
Ari Abdul
@Patrick Sim for your review.